Welcome to Mummy Egg Speedrun Competition webpage

This page is dedicated to Mummy Egg Speedrun Competition. If you want to see records - they are right below!
Mummy Egg is one of the eggs available in Brick Hill's Egg Hunt 2023 - The Crossworlds
However if you want to submit your record, follow these rules:

  1. You should have Desert Temple Speedrun Mode on in your game! To activate it you need to type "speedywalkingisnecessary" with your keyboard, make sure you are not in chat, nor doing any spelling mistakes!
  2. You should record your submitted speedrun and link it in the form. This is a requirement due to possible usage of hack clients.
  3. Speaking of modified clients - you are required to be using This Client! It has performance benefits, so you loose nothing.
  4. The provided video has to be untempared, with the final time, provided by the speedrun mode, readable.
  5. There's a bug which allows for orange and red platforms to not disappear after leaving the pyramid. This bug is forbidden. Every other skip is allowed.
  6. To submit your speedrun, follow this link. (Speedruns are getting manually checked, so please be patient)

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